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Level of Study: MSc Nature Conservation

Name and Surname: Graham van Bergen


Graham is a conservationist who has a keen interest in terrestrial and marine ecology and the potential landscape effect on the ecological background of certain species. He is currently doing his MSc Nature Conservation with the university research lab at Nelson Mandela University, George campus. His supervisor is Dr Anina Coetzee (Nelson Mandela University), and co-supervisor is Dr Rudi Swart (Nelson Mandela University). His current project focuses on the diversity of insect pollinators and anthophilous species within the fynbos habitats of the southern Cape region and to determine whether the insects found in both fynbos and forest habitats show signs of biome-sharing. This project will provide clarity on the diversity and movement of insect species between fynbos and forest habitats and to signify the importance of managing and conserving these habitats within the Garden Route National Park.



Dip Nature Conservation Cum Laude (Nelson Mandela University, 2020)

Adv. Dip Nature Conservation (Nelson Mandela University, 2021)

BSc Hons Nature Conservation (Nelson Mandela University, 2023)

Title: Impact of flora, season, and adjacent biome on anthophilous insects within the Southern Cape Fynbos